These are highly used services offered by Cheap Evictions to know more please contact us!
Single tenant eviction $699
All notice to vacates required to be sent to tenant along with proof of service
Petition and forms required by the court to file
Notary signature (Petition and court forms required)
Our representation in court
Double Tenant Eviction $799
All notice to vacates required to be sent to tenant along with proof of service
Petition and forms required by the court to file
Notary signature (Petition and court forms required)
Our representation in court
Writ of Possession $499
Once a judgment is recovered, we are offered a writ date
A writ date is the LAST day a tenant can appeal.
This summons the constable to the residence to remove the tenant
Certified Notices $99
Any notices requested to be sent without a purchase of the eviction package, or just a singular legal document

Let's Work Together
Cheap Evictions reserves the right to refuse service to anyone,
Cheap Evictions' services are NON- refundable.
(Special circumstances may apply)